duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011

Brand Names

The brand name I like and would like to analyze is Mango(Clothing).

1.If you didn't know, Mango clothes come from Barcelona, Spain, not the Caribbean. Of course, I'm talking about Mango Clothing, the young, urban brand for fashion minded all over the world, not the fruit. (Although the fruit is quite tasty too.)

2.The name was not translated into romanian
 because the meaning of it is a fruit(mango) and eather you translate it or not is the same thing.And for those who don`t know this brand it can be strange because they may buy a fruit instead of a jacket:P

3.Mango Clothing is also well known for their Limited Editions. For example, Penelope and Monica Cruz have a line of clothes and accessories available exclusively through Mango. It's deals like these that make this clothing brand so popular wherever you go in the world. There may be some remote corners of the planet that haven't had the pleasure of selling Mango, but they're few and far between.So i can`t tell you a negative or a positive connotation because everybody likes clothes and everybody likes fruits.

4. The product I would like to introduce on the market is a fast dree maker called Dress & GO.In my oppinion it would be a great invention for designers and also for us.It would be a saving both time and personnel.The machine would require only a memory for the models of the clothes.
   In my oppinion it would be a great invention.

                     What do you think?

Un comentariu:

  1. The Mango clothes are as good as the mango fruit ... at least I like it ... I saw on the internet the limited edition which you said, and I can say that since it is a well known brand, the price of products are cheap enough...
